Review: Mega Man 2 (3DS Virtual Console)

Today, I bring you AbsolPowers’s first review!
Jumping back to last Tuesday’s topic, we’re going to be reviewing a Mega Man game. What game you ask? My personal favorite, Mega Man 2!

Mega Man 2
Location played: 3DS Virtual Console (eShop)
Price: $4.99
Creator: Capcom
Original Location: NES

(Note: Sections with spoilers will be marked between SPOILERS and END OF SPOILERS, but this game really doesn’t have any unless you count the entirety of it.)


This game is by far the best gameplay and boss-wise. Though I do like it’s sequel’s music more, I still find the 8-bit track to catchy! Overall, my favorite part of this game, and any Mega Man title, is the bosses! They have excellent and creative bosses, and though Mega Man’s 3 were a little more unique, I find these guys the cream of the crop. Now, when it comes to a boss in this game, those who played it probably think of Quick Man. He was speedy, irritating with his boomerang, and the uneven terrain was a double edged sword because, although it was hard to move through, he could get caught on the little steps, too. Many consider him one of the hardest Mega Man bosses of all time. I agree with that statement, but I didn’t have that much trouble with him. It took several times but not as much as it did for Wood Man and Crash Man. Errgh! I hate Crash Man so much, whenever you shoot that’s his trigger to jump. Definitely, the most HATED boss in this game for that. Wood Man is up there, too, because that Wood Shield was just barely short enough to being able to jump over, which led several rage-restarts.


Next up, let’s talk about levels. I think these were great, and though a little repetitive and slow going sometimes, I liked them. Bubble Man’s stage was probably my favorite, because of the crazy water mechanics, that I just find so much fun! I loved the enemies in that stage, too. The giant fish, though hard to kill, always looked so… weird. Maybe that’s just me. Anyways, back to levels. Some were jerkish, like Quick Man’s. Most of the stage was falling down fast enough to avoid One hit KO-ing laser things! They trick you, too, making it seem easy at first, and then quickly becoming teeth-grindingly hard. THAT’S probably my least favorite thing about Quick Man, the gosh-darn stage!


7.5/10 Lemons
Though this is my favorite Mega Man game, there are noticeable faults with it. I think that they shouldn’t trick the players so fast. Stages like Heat Man were often unpredictable, and you just had to be lucky to make it. The second-to-last boss was also another thing, it was majorly difficult to hit. Moving and shooting the Metal Blade? A big no-no for me. There were good things, though, like the fun challenge of Air Man’s stage, or the crazy water physics in Bubble Man’s stage. I hope Capcom learns from their mistakes, and evantually, when Mega Man 11 comes out, I hope they are inspired by this and it’s sequel. Not so much it’s sequel, because I find it incredibly difficult. Besides this, though, I still find this game near and dear to my heart. Plus, I always felt Flash Man got the short end of the stick, he was terribly easy, his weapon was useless, and his stage was too easy. Come on, where’s the balance? (Though, I do think is sprite is pretty sweet)

Information Source:
(The only info I used, which was the original system and price, I knew. This is just for safety’s sake)

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