Tip Tuesday: Nintendo Land

Source: gamingvlog.net

Want to play Nintendo Land’s Single Player attractions but you have a friend over? Well, you’d originally think it wouldn’t work, but a 2nd Player can interact within all six of the single player attractions. Here they are:

  • Donkey Kong’s Crash Course: If you point your remote at player one then hold A, a bubble will go around them and temporarily slow them down.
  • Octopus Dance: Not really helpful, but they press A on different objects around to make some sounds.
  • Captain Falcon’s Twister Race: Pressing A allows you to destroy obstacles, however while you still get a lot, there is a limit to how many you can destroy.
  • Takamaru’s Ninja Castle: Pressing A on a ninja holds it in place until you let go.
  • Yoshi’s Fruit Cart: This one can be done with 4 other players, not just one other. While the Yoshi cart is moving, each Wii remote can destroy ONE fruit. 

So, Nintendo Land does have a sneaky little secret, but it’s a very nice touch to it.

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