Smash Bros. Sunday: Week 14 (Sept. 16- 20)

Hey. Hey. HEY. Something important, so listen. These images were found on the best website on the internet, MarioPartyLegacy.

Here is out first look of Olimar on the 3DS! I think he actually looks GREAT on the system. He looks really cute and doesn’t look sloppy. I just can’t wait to see the Pikmin. I wonder if they will have the black outlines as well but I can’t decide whether they will or not. It was shown September 16th.

This next pictures shows the leading ladies in the new Smash Bros. Well, these are our ONLY ladies revealed thus far in development. Comparing their heights, Samus seems to be the tallest, with Wii Fit Trainer only a little smaller. Peach, however, is obviously the shortest, her crown only reaching the middle of Wii Fit Trainer’s neck. The gals are looking lovely, though, and I can’t wait to play as them in game. It was shown on September 17th.

The caption put in this pictures reads “Inside the corridor along one of the walls in Pyrosphere, a view that’s really not visible in-game. You can’t tell from the picture, but it’s actually a gigantic open space.” So… what? I mean, I personally don’t care too much about this, except that they really are focusing on stage detail it seems. It was shown on September 18th.

Peach has an expression like “What’re you hiding form me?” to poor Link. I like the detail put into her face as I look closer in it. Her eyes are a brilliant blue and her nose is very small and button sized. Peach also has a detailed CROWN, a barely noticeable object on her head. Look at all those indentions and patters in it. Link also has some nice detail, his cap looks sewn and the texture of the fabric can be seen from this close an angle. It was shown September 19th.

It seems our precious princess and plumber are going back to their roots and “hopping” on top their opponents, Samus and Bowser. Alright, I don’t care too much about the characters, though. Look to the let of Samus, though. See those two little comet-like things? What could they be? Could they be shooting stars from the background? Bowser has them, too, but they are little harder to see. Hey, could the game have an actual move to jump on opponents? It’s a little farfetched, but the little star bit things. Or, more likely, this is just footstoolin’. It was shown September 20th.

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