Review: The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Located Played: Nintendo eShop (Wii U)
Price: $49.99
Creator: Nintendo
Original Location: Nintendo eShop (Wii U) / Retail (Wii U)
Classification: Remake


A remake of one of the best GameCube games out there? Yes please! Nintendo has really given us quite the present this time around, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker… in HD! Let’s just jump in with the look of the game. The entire game looks like a cutscene, it’s that good. The art is as timeless as ever, this time perusing in some nice shading. The music, while identical to that of the GameCube, is very good, too! My favorite tracks being Dragon Roost Island and the main theme. Every time I’d sail on by the waters, even those that are treacherous, I feel like another adventure is about to unfold because everything is just so… perfect.


The game is a true game of innovation, mixing in the perfect blend of side-quests and adventure. However, let’s bring up my favorite part of the game. The characters. To the left and right of this text are my two FAVORITE characters. Coincidentally, Fado (left) and Medli (right) are Sages of the Master Sword, of Wind and Earth respectively (despite Fado being dead and his spirit now residing in sweet little Makar, who can be seen below as the little wood guy). Each character in the game has something special in the game. Look at Grandma, for instance. Every time I see her, my little fairy heart melts. I mean, come ON, she was making us out favorite soup for our birthday and invited the whole town for a party. She is just the sweetest thing, wouldn’t you say?


 However, there ARE some little flaws in the game that I did find annoying. Some of the game mechanics were annoying and repetitive, like those flowers that shoot you up in the air in the Forbidden Woods dungeon. If you missed the jump, you’d most likely get hurt. The other flaw I saw; unnecessary difficulty. Don’t get me wrong, the game is GOOD difficult. However, one dungeon in particular stuck out like a sore thumb. The Tower of the Triforce. I mean come ON! I can’t tell you how many times I left the controller trying to defeat this dungeon. That one is more of a personal experience, and I know it didn’t really happen to other people, but I feel like that dungeon had a huge jump in difficulty for the game. Though, one thing I DID love about the game were the plot twists. I mean, the King of Red Lions being the KING OF HYRULE?


9.5/10 Wind Wakers

This game truly is a work of art. This was favorite game on the Gamecube is is now one of my favorite Wii U games. If you have the money, there is no denying you should buy this game. The original introduced me to the series, and the remake made me come crawling back. Seriously, buy this game if you are hungry for something special. It certainly is a diamond in the rough!

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