Top 5 Thursday: Sonic characters

Mhmmm, that’s right. In light of Sonic Lost World coming out later this month, I think it’s time for a little showcase on my favorite characters of the series. Alright, let’s start because I gotta fast (Sonic!) Gotta go fast (Sonic!)

5. Espio the Chameleon


Cool, calm, and deadly, our magenta chameleon lands into number five. Espio has always been a really cool character, themed off of Japanese ninjas with powers to match, he’s always made a mark to me. He’s part of the “top-notch” detective squad known as the Chaotix and is pretty good at his job. Despite this, I kind of find these other characters a bit more in-depth with charm and personality.

4. Blaze the Cat


Personally, I’d say Blaze would be number three if it weren’t for her appearance in Sonic ’06. It’s not because ’06 was such a bad game, it’s because I don’t think they properly showcased her as they did in the Sonic Rush games (speaking of which, I kind of want another game in that series). In the Rush games, she was cool, a bit hot-headed, and had a charming personality. I just wish she kept that personality… now she kind of acts like a quiet but stubborn princess.

3. Sonic the Hedgehog


Of course the blue blur has to make it SOMEWHERE on this list, right? Well, the hedgehog known as Sonic is a pretty cool character. He’s obnoxious, hilarious, and a pretty cool hero all around. Certain appearances of him haven’t been… the best, but all around it’s nice to see him around! I can’t wait for him to appear once again in Lost World and hear him once again.

2. Cream the Rabbit


Cream is as sweet as can be, while her personality is a little played out in basis, she adds her own spin to the little cute-kid personality. With her faithful Chao, Cheese, by her side, the two are known very well in the series. In fact, Cream got a playable appearance in Sonic Heroes as an amazing Flight character, as well as games like Sonic Adventure 2.

1. Silver the Hedgehog


Donned in white, and psychically-abled, Silver has TOTALLY reached my top. He’s sweet and naive, and Silver is a really cool dude. I’d hang out with him! I admit, I wrote fan-fictions of him a while ago (not weird ones, those are just… weird) but I imagined them as me… no lie. I hope to see him again, but I don’t see him coming back except in spin-offs. I LOVE him Sega, please bring him back.

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