Smash Bros. Sunday: Week 16 (September 30th- October 4th)

These weeks images come from the same site as ever, MarioPartyLegacy!

The first image we got was of Toon Link and Link ganging up on Donkey Kong (I think)! This image was showcased for their spin slice recovery jump. If you ask me, I’m not feeling confident that Toon Link won’t be a clone anymore. He seems to have the same moveset as he did in Brawl, so unless Sakurai is going to change some of his moves… Toon Link’ll be a clone of Link yet again. It was shown September 30th.

Tuesday brought us TWO images! This time around? Olimar and Wii Fit Trainer seem to be practicing the Warrior pose. Olimar seems to be having a bit of trouble, wouldn’t you say? However, we know that this was a “joke photo” and was basically used to set the bar low for the day it was shown. It was shown October 1st.

Speeding into the scene, Sonic returns to duke it out with the classic cast of Nintendo characters with new rivals like Villager and Mega Man! While it seems, like most other characters, his moveset will be the same (at least for this point in development) Sonic is still looking amazing and looks much better than he did in Brawl. No doubt he’ll be the fastest character, but that will probably bring back his slippery controls. We’ll just have to wait and see! It was shown October 1st.

Mega Man and Sonic are shown here, both showing off their springing recovery jumps. While Sonic uses a spring designed after his old retro springs from back in the day, Mega Man here uses his faithful robot dog, Rush! Who’s is higher? Who’s is faster? We’ll just have to wait and see! It was shown October 2nd.

I hope you guys didn’t forget about Toon Link! Here, we see our sword-wielding buddy leaping around in the Animal Crossing stage. To be honest… I really can’t think of anything to talk about here. We’ve already discussed his stuff about detail on him, so I can’t really say anything important about it. It was shown October 3rd.

That’s right! Three different companies’s mascots are here for the battle, Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog, Capcom’s Mega Man, and of course, Nintendo’s Mario! These three all look VERY dangerous and seem ready to duke it out. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but they all seem to be of average playstyle. Mega Man, while diverse, seems to be a bit clunky. Mario’s special attacks, if of same strength as Brawl, are sub-par at best. Sonic, while speedy, couldn’t really make a dent in anybody. We’ll just have to find out who will win in battle, won’t we? It was shown October 4th.

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