Smash Bros. Sunday: Week 20 (October 28th – November 1st)

You guys are DEFINITELY sick of hearing this, but I feel bad not putting it in. All images are from MarioPartyLegacy.

So, to start off this week, we got the two Link’s using their Spin Attacks. I believe they are of equal speeds, but Toon Link’s looks… slower in this one. Perhaps that’s just how they were designed and that’s just my eyes deceiving me. Link also has a pretty cool rainbow effect going on with his sword, I noticed. It was shown October 28th.
The next image we got was a 3DS screen. This one shows two of the newcomers, Villager and Wii Fit Trainer, hopping around the Super Mario 3D Land stage. While this is nothing major, I wonder if you can actually break apart the Question Block and items will come out. For instance, maybe you can only get Mario items, like the Fire Flower and Mini Mushroom. However, this is pretty much some random spitballing right about now. It was shown October 29th.
Image number three got us a clear look at Toon Link on the 3DS. This isn’t the first we’ve seen him, but it’s probably the best show we’ve got of him. Here, we can see they went all out on him. His hair is still a bright blonde and his shield looks sturdy and ready for defense. However, it seems poor Toon Link isn’t prepared for his fox-like opponent behind him. It was shown October 30th.
Halloween’s image had nothing to do with Halloween! This image showcases another Wii Fit Trainer… NOT! Because the Smash Bros. site didn’t update with a new character, we know this male Wii Fit Trainer is but of a costume, similar to how Wario’s denim outfit and classic outfits were both available in Brawl. However, there IS a possibility their attacks could look a bit different, as the male Wii Fit Trainer was often associated with the Strength Training as the female was to Yoga and Aerobics. It was shown October 31st.
The final image for this week, and the first for November, shows out faithful angel boy Pit, nocking an arrow. As you might’ve been able to tell, this post is much different than Pit’s old arrow-nocking pose in Brawl. However, in this pose, he looks much more ready to battle and gives his arrow a sense of more… lethal-ness. Keep in mind though, none of these images are final, so they could be changed in the final version of the game. It was shown November 1st.

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