Smash Bros. Sunday: Week 38 (March 10th – 12th)

MarioPartyLegacy is hot spot where I got these images from, if you all didn’t know. Heck, if you’ve been following this, you’d have that info drilled into your head.

Here is our look at the console trophies! This one is of Little Mac… chubby. Actually this version of him is from a game called Captain Rainbow, in which the main character winds up on an island where all the old forgotten game characters have gone. Due to Little Mac’s inactivity, he becomes a bit out of shape. This game was only actually launched in Japan. This begs the question, though, will there be MORE Captain Rainbow references? We’ll probably get a trophy of the hero himself, but perhaps he’ll be PLAYABLE! Okay, that’s a bit of long-shot, but I could see Captain Rainbow becoming a bit like Captain Falcon mixed with Zelda. It was shown March 10th.
This reveals a new Pokemon stage for the 3DS, Lumiose City from Pokemon X and Y! Now, Mr. Sakurai has said that “seconds ago, the fighters were brawling on top of that tower.” The tower in the center is called Prism Tower, but I wonder… where are the fighters NOW? Judging by how Sakurai worded this, I’d imagine this stage is similar to Isle Delfino in Brawl, or Skyloft in the Wii U version of this game. If this is true, one of the stops is confirmed to be the top of Prism Tower, and perhaps the other stops are in the little plazas surrounding it. After all, they are the only other brightly lit locations on the map. It was shown March 11th.
Zelda’s side-special, known as Din’s Fire, has been boosted. Before, while lacking in a lot of power, it was a good spacing move. Plus, it was often used to stop an opponent in their tracks. Now, Sakurai has boosted the power in the flames “core.” The more it continues on it’s path, the bigger and stronger it’ll become. However, you have to hit your opponent with the core to do true damage. Hooray for Zelda becoming better! It was shown March 12th.
The Motion Sensor Bomb’s look has been upgraded. Now, it’s SLIGHTLY smaller, but has traded it’s color for an eye-catching red. It’s prone to explode upon a close encounter, so the Motion Sensor Bomb has often been used as a barrier as well as a trap. Sometimes you’ll forget it’s there and in seconds your sky-high! I’m happy to see this item returning, and I am a fan of it’s new look. It was shown March 13th.
Personally, while a LOT of people were hoping for a Yoshi reveal in light of Yoshi’s New Island release on this day (as was I), I like this screenshot of the 3DS game because it looks really nice. Plus, it confirms a new stage, one presumably based on Tamodachi Collection. This game is similar to Animal Crossing… but with your Mii’s! The game also is heavily rumored to be coming to the states at some point, so perhaps this stage is hinting at the Western release and/or a confirmation for playable Mii’s in Smash Bros. Anyways, I’d imagine this stage works like Luigi’s Mansion on Brawl, but minus the falling apart. Like, you could hop between the small rooms of the house, but each could range is size and shape. Whatever this stage TRULY is, I’m excited to see more of it. It was shown March 14th. 

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