Wario appears to be in Super Smash Bros. 4


It’s come to the attention of the Smash Bros. community that it appears Wario inadvertently got leaked for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS. The pictures above are screenshots from the Nintendo 3DS eShop, in which several games are filed under characters, sometimes. The eShop had a category for Wario this time around, with Super Smash Bros. for 3DS in the listing. While there is no other mention of Wario in the Smash Bros. page itself, it’s clear we’re going to expect the villainous yellow-clad man in Super Smash Bros. and we can also expect news on him soon. Some are speculating that Wario will be shown at Comic-Con, since it’s going on right now, practically. Interestingly enough, the listing was removed in a recent update, it appears.

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