Smash Bros Pic of the Day: 8/13/2014 – Meta Knight Returning

” “Looks like there was an impostor in the earlier posts, so I introduced him to my sword!” …I’ll leave it up to your imagination if he really said that or not. The veteran hero, Meta Knight, returns to battle!! We didn’t forget the Battleship Halberd either!!” 

“Meta Knight’s Up Special Move, Shuttle Loop, changed quite a bit in this game. The glide is gone, and the attack slashes opponents twice while spinning in a large loop. This has turned into a highly technical and effective move.”

Check out Meta Knight’s Official Page right here!

So it seems that Meta Knight is coming back to the fight! He originally appeared in the Super Smash Bros. series in Super Smash Bros. Melee in 2001 as a trophy, before busting his way in as a fighter in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. And a fighter he was, indeed, as Meta Knight was considered over-powered by many fans, even being banned in most tournaments. However, it appears thanks to these pictures from Sakurai that he’s going to have slight tweaks, but we don’t know how it will affect the native from Pop Star, for better or for worse?

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